The Concept of Nationality in U.S, U.K, China, India, Pakistan and Legal Framework in India


  • Hassan Sattar Sharif Lecturer, School of Law, University of Gujrat, Pakistan. Author
  • Amna Arshad Research Scholar, School of Law, University of Gujrat, Pakistan. Author
  • Syeda Hajra Research Scholar, School of Law, University of Gujrat, Pakistan. Author


Contemporary Jurisprudence, Acquisition and Loss of Nationality, Citizenship, International Law, Nationality


Nationality is the characteristic origination from membership of some nation or state. The decision of the grant of nationality is a matter for each stated municipal law and is not governed by international law. This research study targets contemporary jurisprudence at international law regarding nationality. The research examines the causes of statelessness, the impacts and consequences that arise in a stateless society. It provides the analysis of the concept of acquisition and loss of nationality in different states. It further discusses the right and duties of state individual and modern nomad and refugee. It also focuses on the comparative study of citizenship and dual citizenship with different country. Besides, this research also finds out the solution for the aliens, deportees and unconnected people under the umbrella of internationallaw.


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